Museums & Collections

“Edifying and Beautiful”

Botanical illustrations on display at Harvard’s rare book library

by Jack R. Trapanick

What Was the Enlightenment, Really?

“Dare to Know” exhibition highlights nuances in the age of reason.

by Nancy Walecki

From the Soil Up

The art of conserving an historic garden at Dumbarton Oaks

by May Wang

The Magic of Luigi Lucioni

 Exhibit at Vermont's Shelburne Museum offers beauty and vitality

by Nell Porter Brown

“A Moral Obligation”

Charles Berlin and 60 years of collecting for Harvard Library

by Lydialyle Gibson

Learners, Grizzled and Downy

An affecting reunion, and Houghton Library accessible to all

by Primus VI

Permafrost Fare

Soured Seal Liver, Anyone?

by Jacob Sweet

Telling Humanity’s Story through DNA

Geneticist David Reich rewrites the ancient human past.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Geeky Underground

Science-fiction zines and the quest to save Star Trek

by Nancy Walecki

Honoring a Life with Birds

A Concord Museum and Mass Audubon exhibit on William Brewster celebrates a new wildlife sanctuary 

by Nell Porter Brown

Interpreting the Universe

Mildred Thompson's abstract vision

by Nell Porter Brown