Health & Medicine

Loneliness—Bad for Body and Mind

Harvard study finds link between loneliness and increased risk of stroke among older adults.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Museums, Making Their Way

Pandemic perspectives from the Getty and the Harvard Art Museums—and art’s role in refreshing “the dialogue with other human beings”

by Caroline Engelmayer

Gravid and COVID

The challenges of researching the pandemic’s effects on pregnant women

by Matteo Wong

Harvard’s Financial Outlook in an Unprecedented Semester

In volatile circumstances, plans are upended and remade.  

by John S. Rosenberg

Fall Comes into Focus

Who will be at Harvard when the academic year begins—and under what conditions

by John S. Rosenberg

The 40 Percent Solution

Campus constraints amid the coronavirus pandemic

by John S. Rosenberg

Failing the Coronavirus-Testing Test

Michael Mina maintains a new testing regimen could end the COVID-19 pandemic—in three weeks.

by Jonathan Shaw

Balancing Mental Health and COVID Safety

Students urge closer attention to care on campus this fall. 

by Matteo Wong

Could COVID-19 Transform U.S. Education?

A conversation on the crisis and its outcomes with the Graduate School of Education’s Paul Reville 

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

First-Year International Students Won't Be Allowed on Campus This Fall

Federal visa restrictions will prevent freshman international students from living in the United States. 

Active Duty in a Pandemic

Harvard affiliates aid the Defense Department's response to COVID-19 in New York.

by Matteo Wong