Health & Medicine

Loneliness—Bad for Body and Mind

Harvard study finds link between loneliness and increased risk of stroke among older adults.

by Jack R. Trapanick

News Briefs

Updates on the spring term, naming conventions, and racial equity

by John S. Rosenberg

The Loneliness Pandemic

As the country isolates, are we all alone?

by Jacob Sweet

Harvard College Invites Seniors, Most Juniors to Campus for Spring Term

After a successful fall term, but with coronavirus protocols still in place, an attempt to accommodate more undergraduates in residence

by John S. Rosenberg

HBS Halts Hybrid Learning

Surging coronavirus cases force move to all-remote instruction.

by John S. Rosenberg

Understanding Ebola

The 2014 epidemic was rooted in centuries of exploitation and war, Paul Farmer argues.

by Jonathan Shaw

Ivy League Cancels Winter Season

The pandemic continues to affect athletics. 

by Jacob Sweet

Most Harvard Staff Will Be Remote through June 30

And other changes to Harvard’s COVID-19 workforce policies

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

“This Year Is Different…”

…prompting a different kind of Faculty of Arts and Sciences annual report.

by John S. Rosenberg

Fewer Grad Students, No Spring Recess

Harvard continues to change with the coronavirus.

by John S. Rosenberg

The Pandemic’s “Perfect and Terrible Storm”

Seasonality and SARS-CoV-2

by Jonathan Shaw