Harvard History & Traditions


Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

by Primus VI

Speaking Pheromone

How science is done, in the lab of E.O. Wilson

by Richard Rhodes

The Poco of Pocos

Brief life of a Harvard “character”

by Hanna Rose Shell

Origin Stories

Bow and Arrow’s mechanic, James Agee’s creative turbulence

by Primus VI

How Harvard Profited On Keeping Time

Harvard’s clocks and the standardization of time

by Jacob Sweet

Yesterday’s News: Headlines from Harvard’s History

From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine

Sidney Verba, and a Classy Class Reporter

Harvard’s mensch, and a record-setting recorder of Crimson lives

by Primus VI

The Morning Exercises, Virtual Again

The Morning Exercises—further adapted for the era of COVID and streaming—come with strong messages about racial justice.

by John S. Rosenberg , Jacob Sweet

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Tidies Up Pandemic and Single-Gender Policies

Honors teaching excellence, and the memory of Nathan Glazer, in last regular meeting of the academic year

by John S. Rosenberg

Yesterday’s News

Headlines from Harvard’s history