Faculty & Research

Chinese Trade Dragons

How Will China’s Rapid Growth in the Clean Technology Industry Reshape U.S.-China Policy?

by Olivia Farrar

The Great Red Enigma

The gas giant’s storms could be driven by processes thousands of kilometers below the surface.

by Veronique Greenwood

A New Light on DNA Storage

Compact and persistent, DNA could one day compress all human knowledge into a 15-gallon drum.

by Steve Nadis

Roxanne Guenette

Seeking answers to science’s biggest questions

by Jonathan Shaw

Due Process

Jeannie Suk Gersen on the law, trauma, and “the rhetoric of believing”

by Lydialyle Gibson

Elizabeth Bangs Bryant

Brief life of an underappreciated arachnologist

by Reed Gochberg

“A Prayer for Our Country”

Author Isabel Wilkerson kicks off a Harvard speaker series on storytelling and public health.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Peabody Museum Discovers Possible Slave Remains in Its Collections

“We must begin to confront the reality of a past in which academic curiosity and opportunity overwhelmed humanity,” Harvard president Lawrence Bacow wrote. 

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Coronavirus Mutations Threaten to Worsen Pandemic

Despite vaccines, Harvard scientists warn, more-transmissible variants make COVID-19 harder to control.

by Jonathan Shaw

Biological Vaccine Factories

An implantable cancer vaccine shows promise in training the immune system to attack tumors.

by Erin O'Donnell

Can Financial Crises Be Predicted?

Contrary to expert belief, some financial crises can be predicted—and perhaps averted.

by Jonathan Shaw