Faculty & Research

Chinese Trade Dragons

How Will China’s Rapid Growth in the Clean Technology Industry Reshape U.S.-China Policy?

by Olivia Farrar

Can Disinformation Be Stopped?

Scholars’ perspectives on a pervasive new threat

by Jacob Sweet

Probing the Microbial World Within Us

Emily Balskus deciphers the human microbiome.

by Jonathan Shaw

Restoring Justice

Exploring an alternative to crime and punishment

by Lydialyle Gibson

Should Convicted Felons Serve on Juries?

A prosecutor and a defense attorney say, “Yes.”

by Juliet Isselbacher

The Context: Daniel Lieberman on Food Addiction

Framing the news with our best articles on diet and health

by Jacob Sweet

Harvard to Launch Quantum Science and Engineering Ph.D. Program

Renovation of 60 Oxford Street will create a quantum hub where theorists and engineers work side by side.

by Jonathan Shaw

Transitions Gradual and Cataclysmic

Andrew Knoll on the planet’s past—and fraught future

by Jonathan Shaw

Power, Petitions, and the People

Petitioning campaigns are a vital complement to democratic voting.

by Jonathan Shaw

Is There Better Than Better?

Ellen Langer rejects binary thinking, embracing instead a “third way.”

by Erin O'Donnell

Linking Mental and Fiscal Health

Around the globe, Vikram Patel finds, improvements in financial or mental health support both.

by Veronique Greenwood