Alexander Heffner and Governor Maura Healey

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Cambridge 02138

Readers’ views on the Supreme Court, reparations, the humanities, and more


President Bacow on conversations with students

by Lawrence Bacow

Home, Harvard, and (Im)permanence

The complicated return to campus post-pandemic

by Sofia Andrade

Fernando Zóbel-Montojo

Brief life of an abstract painter: 1924-1984

by Felipe Pereda


Course catalog redux, a Chinese take on Harvard “glitz and glamour,” and the mathmetician-movie buff

by Primus VI

Mum’s the Word

The endowment data drought, and the FAS dean’s downsized report

Portraying Larry Summers

Celebrating the twenty-seventh president—and assessing his legacy

by John S. Rosenberg