Herbert C. Kelman and Everett I. Mendelsohn


Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

by Primus VI


Course catalog redux, a Chinese take on Harvard “glitz and glamour,” and the mathmetician-movie buff

by Primus VI

Portraying Larry Summers

Celebrating the twenty-seventh president—and assessing his legacy

by John S. Rosenberg

George Reisner

Brief life of a pioneering Egyptologist: 1867-1942

by Peter Der Manuelian

Ahead of His Time

The inclusive Henry Lee Higginson, and Robert Caro’s productive fellowship

by Primus VI

Charles III, When Young

The Prince of Wales’s star turn at Harvard’s 350th anniversary gala, in 1986

From the Soil Up

The art of conserving an historic garden at Dumbarton Oaks

by May Wang

Milman Parry

Brief life of a Homeric scholar with a big idea: 1902-1935

by Robert Kanigel

Learners, Grizzled and Downy

An affecting reunion, and Houghton Library accessible to all

by Primus VI