Alexander Heffner and Governor Maura Healey

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Tidies Up Pandemic and Single-Gender Policies

Honors teaching excellence, and the memory of Nathan Glazer, in last regular meeting of the academic year

by John S. Rosenberg

Cambridge 02138

"Shoddy," maskupmanship, American exceptionalism

The Tensions That Roiled Texas

Annette Gordon-Reed on the real history of Texas, and Juneteenth

Yesterday’s News

Headlines from Harvard’s history

Wisdom of the Sages

Wisdom from the Great Depression—plus an accomplished economist, and rowdiness on the Charles

by Primus VI

The Basics

President Bacow on the principles by which to steer the University

by Lawrence Bacow

The Home Front

Balancing past obligations, the pandemic, and the future of Harvard’s core mission

Between Harvard and St. Louis

The Undergraduate learns about making knowledge mutual.

by Che Applewhaite

Democracy Requests the Pleasure of Your Company

Active citizens are humanists.

by Doris Sommer

Blockmate Backstories

The College’s annual “Housing Day” dramas, conducted online.

by Meena Venkataramanan