Alexander Heffner and Governor Maura Healey

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

A New Way

President Bacow on exploring better work-life balance after the pandemic

by Lawrence Bacow

Cambridge 02138

A standard-setter retires—plus U.S. presidential debates, Overseer elections, admissions biases

Civic Leaders, and Myths about Undergraduate Teaching

Corporation members’ civic-mindedness, and undergraduate education at research universities

Yesterday’s News: Headlines from Harvard’s History

From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine

Sidney Verba, and a Classy Class Reporter

Harvard’s mensch, and a record-setting recorder of Crimson lives

by Primus VI

Pondering the Extracurricular “Founders” Puzzle

Why do so many Harvard students start clubs, instead of joining them?

by Meena Venkataramanan

Open Book: The Case for Commitment

Pete Davis expands on his Commencement address.

The Morning Exercises, Virtual Again

The Morning Exercises—further adapted for the era of COVID and streaming—come with strong messages about racial justice.

by John S. Rosenberg , Jacob Sweet

Assessing Gender and Racial Equality Today

A discussion on progress and retreat with Danielle Allen, Margaret Marshall, and Jane Mendillo

by Lydialyle Gibson

Popping the Harvard Bubble

A senior’s last semester expands her sense of adventure and personhood.

by Meena Venkataramanan