Alexander Heffner and Governor Maura Healey

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Cambridge 02138

Restorative justice, Radcliffe rebranded, endowment reparations

Many Voices

On speaking out—on Harvard’s behalf

by Lawrence Bacow

How Will Harvard Change Post-Coronavirus?

Opportunities in admissions, online degrees, research, and more

Documenting New England’s Unseen

Seeking mentorship as a student of color, and finding a calling in the arts

by Che Applewhaite

Forum: Is Harvard Complacent?

Considering fundamental change in the wake of the pandemic

by Brian Rosenberg

The Poco of Pocos

Brief life of a Harvard “character”

by Hanna Rose Shell

Origin Stories

Bow and Arrow’s mechanic, James Agee’s creative turbulence

by Primus VI

How Harvard Profited On Keeping Time

Harvard’s clocks and the standardization of time

by Jacob Sweet

Governance Reform and Shared Value

Michael Porter on the new business agenda

by Juliet Isselbacher