

Silvana Gómez’s Undergraduate English Address

An orator tells classmates, “It is our time to create a new normal.”

Jordan Bliss Perry’s Latin (and English) Address

The Latin salutatorian finds strengths in the intersections between the humanities and modern sciences.

The Morning Exercises, Virtual Again

The Morning Exercises—further adapted for the era of COVID and streaming—come with strong messages about racial justice.

by John S. Rosenberg , Jacob Sweet

Harvard Confers Seven Honorary Degrees

A Nobel-winning chemist, a documentary dramatist and a photojournalist, a preeminent news editor, and more

by John S. Rosenberg

Jeremy Lin and Elizabeth Warren Highlight Class Days

A former NBA star and a U.S. Senator speak to new graduates.

by Juliet Isselbacher , Jacob Sweet , Jean Martin

Centennial Medalists 2021

Four alumni of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are honored.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Baccalaureate, and a Multitude of Distinct Graduations 2021

President Bacow on reconnecting with other people, and new First-Gen and LGBTQ+ graduation celebrations join the roster

by John S. Rosenberg

President Bacow’s Harvard Baccalaureate Remarks

“This has not been a typical year”—but a tradition resumes, virtually.

by Lawrence Bacow

Jeremy Lin to Speak at Harvard College Class Day

The former NBA star headlines the undergraduates’ virtual celebration May 26.

by John S. Rosenberg

Kevin Young to Address Harvard Alumni Association

The acclaimed poet and director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture will speak at the annual meeting on June 4—and other graduation-week speakers are announced. 

by John S. Rosenberg