Books & Literary Life

A Democratic Landscape

Michael Van Valkenburgh and the making of Brooklyn Bridge Park

Architectural Upheaval

A comprehensive examination of avant-garde architecture

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections

Realities of Empire

A new history indicts the British imperium.

The Broken Social Contract

Danielle Allen on America’s broken social contract

Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith to Speak at Harvard Alumni Day

An alumna and faculty member at a new Harvard tradition

by Nell Porter Brown

Fugitive Pedagogy

Jarvis Givens rediscovers the underground history of black schooling.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Music and Language, Reconciled

Matthew Aucoin on opera

by Thomas Forrest Kelly

Looking for the Real Stan Lee

Biographer Abraham Riesman plumbs the dark mysteries of the Marvel auteur

by Dan Kelly

Open Book

Michael Ignatieff on Abraham Lincoln on solace

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections