“Edifying and Beautiful”

Botanical illustrations on display at Harvard’s rare book library

by Jack R. Trapanick

Zelia Nuttall

Brief life of a remarkable anthropologist (1857-1933)

by Merilee Grindle

The Good Fight

A Boston museum highlights historic black activism.

by Nell Porter Brown

News in Brief

New Divinity and Engineering and Applied Sciences deans, Kennedy School and Art Museums departures, and more

Sackler—and Beyond

The “Objects of Addiction” exhibit explores Harvard’s opium ties.    

by Max J. Krupnick

Martha Tedeschi to Step Down from Harvard Art Museums

Director, appointed in 2016, plans to retire in June 2024.

by John S. Rosenberg

The Burst of the South Sea Bubble

A Harvard Business School exhibit documents the first global financial crisis. 

by Ryan Doan-Nguyen

New Impressions

Explore Boston’s cultural institutions through immersive exhibits and offerings.

by Kara Baskin

Everyday Indigeneity

Championing Native voices

by Ryan Doan-Nguyen

“The Wonder Out There”

Rambling around the Quabbin Reservoir

by Nell Porter Brown

RISD Craft Fair

Artists showcase their work in Providence, Rhode Island. In the foreground are pieces by Dwo Wen Chen/Three Wheel Studio. 

by Nell Porter Brown