“Edifying and Beautiful”

Botanical illustrations on display at Harvard’s rare book library

by Jack R. Trapanick

“A Step Up from the Usual Beautiful”

Exploring the coastal wonders of Essex, Massachusetts

by Nell Porter Brown

Royall House and Slave Quarters

Preserving black history as “an act of liberation”

by Nell Porter Brown

Bringing Black History to Light

A Houghton Library project to digitize thousands of African-American records and artifacts

by Lydialyle Gibson

How Harvard Handled the 1918 Flu Pandemic

Fall semester interrupted, a century ago

by Matteo Wong

How the Lines Get Bent

Curator Garrett Dash Nelson ’09 on the Boston Public Library’s exhibition of “persuasive cartography” 

by Matteo Wong

A Living Treasure in Boston

Summertime at the Arnold Arboretum

by Nell Porter Brown

Air Mail

A wartime life together—cut short

by Blythe Grossberg

Transforming Portraiture and the World

Alumnus-commissioned paintings of global luminaries are now a landmark gift to the National Portrait Gallery.

by Julia Ostmann

An Amazon Artist

Botanical bounty at Dumbarton Oaks

by John S. Rosenberg

Historic Threads

Tracing America’s industrial roots in the Blackstone River Valley

by Nell Porter Brown