“Edifying and Beautiful”

Botanical illustrations on display at Harvard’s rare book library

by Jack R. Trapanick

Laying It On

Works by Howardena Pindell at the Rose Art Museum

by Nell Porter Brown

An Empiricist on Art

Unpacking “what art does to us”

ArtWeek 2019

ArtWeek 2019 offers hundreds of events around Massachusetts.

by Nell Porter Brown

VES’s Valedictory

Renaming Visual and Environmental Studies to signal a clearer focus on making art and film

by John S. Rosenberg

John Ruskin, Victorian Radical and Art Historian

A Houghton exhibition explores the thinker’s influences and impact. 

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Native Modern

Philip Deloria studies American Indians and the contradictions that made America.

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Glorious “Genji”

A magnificent set of images, published—and exhibited

Artistic Capital

In Liz Glynn’s massive installations, big questions about the meaning of value

by Samantha Culp

Sculpting Hallowed Ground

Re-landscaping Massachusetts Hall, making the entrance to Harvard Yard more welcoming

by Primus VI

A Millennial Mystery

…and a possible clue in the stacks

by Diane E. Booton