Alumni Profiles

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

The Power of Unreason

Paul Moravec’s soulful music

by Lydialyle Gibson

Seriously Goofy

Comedian Karen Chee finds her voice.

by Jacob Sweet

The Arts as Essential Goods

A prescient novelist is hopeful that “after great change, amazing things can happen.”

by Nell Porter Brown

At Home with Harvard: Harvard on the Small Screen

Discover a new series to watch in quarantine, or read about the creator behind your favorite show, in this selection of our TV stories

“Drip, Drip, Drip”

How Harvard fencers won an Ivy championship

by Jacob Sweet

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin

Brief life of a breakthrough astronomer: 1900-1979

by Donovan Moore

The Early Bird

A quest to chronicle New York City’s avian community

by Nell Porter Brown

Alan Jenkins

A brief look at a Harvard Law School professor's long journey

by Jacob Sweet

Puck Stop

The many saves of a six-foot goalie

by Lydialyle Gibson

Healthy Plate, Healthy Planet

Frank Hu confronts the triple threats of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change.

by Jacob Sweet