Alumni News

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

HAA Clubs and SIGs Awards

Honoring the providers of exemplary service and exceptional programming

Overseer and HAA Director Candidates

The slates for this spring’s elections

2015 Harvard Overseer and HAA Director Nominees

The official candidate slates

(Club) House Renew

The Harvard Club of Boston undergoes renovations.


“Harvard-Hiring-Harvard” helps students find employment.

The SIGnboard

Shared Interest Group events during the fall semester

Aloian Award Winners 2014

Harvard seniors honored for improving House life

HAA Awards 2014

The Harvard Alumni Association Awards honor six leaders

Hiram Hunn Awards 2014

Harvard alumni are awarded for volunteer service to the College admissions office.