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The Alumni

In this issue's Alumni section:
A Visit to the Mollusk Department - Wag the Sheep - House Heroes - Comings and Goings - Externships and Internships - Harvard Yardage - Harvard Album - Holiday Guide - Yesterday's News

For more alumni web resources, check out Harvard Gateways, the Harvard Alumni Association's website
Yesterday's News
Yesterday's News


Ninety-six women with degrees from the School of Education have been listed in the new Harvard Alumni Directory. "To publish their names," the Bulletin notes, "is simply an unavoidable recognition of their standing...it does not invite them to attend meetings of the Associated Harvard Clubs nor necessitate a ladies' dining room in the Harvard Club of New York or Boston...there is no reason to assume the admission of women to a professional school is the 'entering wedge' of coeducation throughout the institution."


Twenty German refugee students will receive scholarships at the College, funded by a vote of the President and Fellows, provided an undergraduate committee raises enough money to cover the refugees' room and board.

Complaints by patients of Stillman Infirmary about "class D detective stories" have prompted the hygiene department, University library, and financial office to pledge $100, with a promise of $50 each succeeding year, until Stillman's literary offerings become more acceptable.


Exhorting readers to "Share Your Bulletin," the editors supply overseas addresses so that home-front recipients may pass copies along to Harvard men in the service.


An informal survey of drugstores in and around Harvard Yard the morning following the Yale game finds them entirely out of aspirin.

Eighty-eight students take advantage of the practical pedagogy when courses in swimming-pool management and table-waiting are offered with a provident eye toward summer employment.


Dean of students Robert Watson criticizes lax undergraduate attitudes toward parietal rules, insisting that Harvard "must be concerned that its students do not set an example for the relaxation of morals among youth... fornication must also be understood as an offense punishable by the University on the same grounds as thievery, cheating, and lying."

Students vie for an opportunity to participate in the first course offerings by the new visual studies program.


In response to the energy crisis, a new University-wide energy-conservation program lowers the temperature in all offices and student rooms from 75 degrees to 68 degrees.


Forty coin-operated word processors have been loaned to Harvard in a trial; if enough students demonstrate interest, "additional word processors and possibly computer equipment will be installed on the same basis." An hour of operation costs $2.

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