
A Royal Tunic

Unraveling an Inca masterpiece’s secrets

by Max J. Krupnick

Superlative Surfaces

A Muslim performs ritual prayer, the salåt, five times a day, and pays attention to certain prescribed obligations while doing so...

Love Story

"Was introduced to Miss Kate Loring, a most charming and lovely girl....I danced with her twice or three times, and found her very...

Why Do Yellow Birds Sing?

A plant of modest beauty and legendary elusiveness, Shortia galacifolia, called Oconee bells or little coltsfoot, is a woodland, evergreen...

Arctic Art

How Cape Dorset became the Inuit art capital of the world

Women, Working

When Harvard Business School's Baker Library amassed the bulk of its manuscript collection in the first half of the twentieth century, curators...

The Table Is Set

For the installation of its twenty-seventh president, Harvard displayed on a stage set up at the front of Tercentenary Theatre various sacred...

Down East Dazzlers

One day in 1820 amateur naturalists Elijah Hamlin and Ezekiel Holmes were poking around on a hill in Paris, Maine, in the southwestern part...

Ball of Mystery

The United Fruit Company planted huge quantities of bananas in Costa Rica in the 1930s. Workers clearing tropical forests in the Diquís...

Saved from the Flames

"Last night Harvard College suffered the most ruinous loss it ever met with since its foundation," begins a broadside printed in...

A Roomful of Masterworks

Museum masterpieces