The College Pump


Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

by Primus VI

Miss North Dakota, et al.

Pick a Harvard undergraduate almost at random and you will be astonished by the range of his or her accomplishments...

Asteroid-Naming in the New Millennium

Acting out of "a sense of public duty"...

Eeded: Ew President

Our Obedient Servant

Robert Shenton, Ph.D. '62, who died in February (see "Brevia," May-June, page 72), was secretary of the Governing Boards from 1971 to 1991...

Oratorical Exchanges

On the fourth day of a celebration of Harvard's two hundred and fiftieth birthday, on November 5 through 8, 1886, Professor James Russell...

Sun and Shade

When daylight-saving time returns on April 2, not a moment too soon, Harvardians emerging into the sunlight may wish to visit the restored...

Waving the Flag

IN 1913 Loomis Temple of Music of New Haven published sheet music for a Yale fight song called "Good Night Harvard." "Good-Night...


When Harvard Was Upsized

by Primus IV