The Browser

Quality Care

As I read David Cutler's important new book on how to deal with the nation's most challenging social problem, I kept wanting more. Cutler...

Conflict in the Stacks

Library history used to be the sleepiest of all academic disciplines. Compared with the gripping narratives of military or political history, it...

Off the Shelf

Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn from Myths, by Mary Lefkowitz, Ph.D. '61, RI '73 (Yale University Press, $30). Lefkowitz, who has...

That Very Mad Affair

Love and Hate in Jamestown: John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Heart of a New Nation (Knopf, $25.95), by David A. Price, J.D. '86, is a stylishly...

Chapter & Verse

Miranda Yousef asks for titles of any novels that reprint this excerpt from Ford Madox Ford's poem "In October 1914": "This is...

Build Yourself a Democratic House

"Build a yurt with Bill and you witness his educational ideas in action. The yurt is his philosophy made visible—security...

The Straight Skinny on String (Theory)

Courtesy WGBHPhysicists' quest for the "theory of everything," now focused on string theory, poses unusual problems of imagination...

Chapter & Verse

Fred Wegener seeks sources for "more given to the arts than to warfare" and "tremors sent below by breezes striking the higher...

Our Founding Grandfather

Benjamin Franklin, himself a prolific writer of exceptional grace and vigor, would surely be delighted with the vivid accounts of his life that...

Off the Shelf

Sassoon: The Worlds of Philip and Sybil, by Peter Stansky, Ph.D. '61 (Yale University Press, $35). Sir Philip Sassoon (1888-1939), descended...

A Victory for Bach (and Biggs)

The great concert organist—and sometime radio-broadcast star—E. Power Biggs brought fame to himself and limelight to Harvard on an...