The Browser

Quality Care

As I read David Cutler's important new book on how to deal with the nation's most challenging social problem, I kept wanting more. Cutler...

On Cattle's "Palpable Self-Esteem"

All cattle will build a social order within the herd. While the rank of a dairy cow is based almost entirely on its mass, Aberdeen-Angus beef...

Off the Shelf

Bury the Chains: Prophets, Slaves, and Rebels in the First Human Rights Crusade, by Adam Hochschild '63 (Houghton Mifflin, $26.95). A printer, a...

Completing the Century

From photographer Berenice Abbott to labor activist Elaine Black Yoneda, from Wyoming governor Nellie Tayloe Ross (born in 1876) to Tejana...

Chapter & Verse

Dorothy Richardson reports that in William Dunlap's 1828 farce A Trip to Niagara, the character Job Jerryson (a black waiter who claims to...

Alone with His Idols

Mark Feeney's Nixon at the Movies: A Book about Belief is so well-intentioned, so weirdly ingenious, so full of lively and perceptive tidbits...

Off the Shelf

Franz Betz as top god Wotan. Costumes for Rheingold were based on "the latest discoveries of prehistoric times."From the bookFirst...

Chapter & Verse

Christopher Monson seeks the author of the truism, "The rectangle is the beginning of aesthetics." Dale Fink would welcome a verifiable...

A Bouquet for Nature-Lovers

The Rarest of the Rare: Stories behind the Treasures at the Harvard Museum of Natural History (HarperResource, $22.95) is a delightful armchair...

Quality Care

As I read David Cutler's important new book on how to deal with the nation's most challenging social problem, I kept wanting more. Cutler...

Off the Shelf

Neoconomy: George Bush's Revolutionary Gamble with America's Future, by Daniel Altman '96, Ph.D. '00 (Public Affairs, $26.95). "The...