Right Now

How Schizophrenia Resembles the Aging Brain

The search for schizophrenia’s biological basis reveals an unexpected link to cellular changes seen in aging brains.

by Ann Thomas

Did Milk Build the Mongol Empire?

Ancient dental plaque points to the historical significance of dairy culture on the Eurasian Steppe.

by Jonathan Shaw

Cornering COVID-19

A serological test may reveal the COVID-19 virus’s weaknesses—and expose its strategic decoys.

by Bennett McIntosh

The Brain-Behavior Link

Researchers hope to tease out the effects of breeding and training on dog brain structure.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Extinction of the Press?

If the press is essential to democracy, what can be done to save news organizations?

by Erin O'Donnell

Butterfly Wings in a New Light

A study reveals new dimensions to their function and beauty.

by Bennett McIntosh

Linking Lifestyle to Stem Cells

Exercise attenuates stem cell production of pro-inflammatory white blood cells.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Risks of Homeschooling

Elizabeth Bartholet highlights risks when parents have 24/7 authoritarian control over their children.

by Erin O'Donnell


Activity tracking to identify the at-risk elderly, and China’s offshore windfarm potential 

by Jonathan Shaw

Air Pollution’s Systemic Effects

Researchers studying 95 million Medicare records find new fine-particle impacts in the blood, gut, skin, kidneys, and other organs.

by Jonathan Shaw

Legitimate Leadership?

The right to rule depends not only on the way power is gained, but how it is wielded.

by John A. Griffin