Right Now

How Schizophrenia Resembles the Aging Brain

The search for schizophrenia’s biological basis reveals an unexpected link to cellular changes seen in aging brains.

by Ann Thomas

Commuting’s Impact on Creativity

Long commutes harm productivity and innovation.

by Erin O'Donnell

Raising the Estimate of Sea-Level Rise

The effect of post-glacial rebound was overlooked in the West Antarctic

by Nancy Walecki

Why Some Citizens Reject Science

Bridging the gulf to science deniers

by Daniel Oberhaus

Making America Competitive Again

Can election reforms end the crippling gridlock in American politics?

by Erin O'Donnell

Could Regenerative Biology Work in Humans?

Mansi Srivastava’s basic research seeks to uncover the origins of whole-body regeneration in animals.

by Aleksandra Prochera

How Paper Crumples

The research provides insight into the way materials react to repeated strain.

by Steve Nadis

Power, Petitions, and the People

Petitioning campaigns are a vital complement to democratic voting.

by Jonathan Shaw

Is There Better Than Better?

Ellen Langer rejects binary thinking, embracing instead a “third way.”

by Erin O'Donnell

Linking Mental and Fiscal Health

Around the globe, Vikram Patel finds, improvements in financial or mental health support both.

by Veronique Greenwood

Culture in the Cold War

In a new book, Louis Menand probes the cultural currents of postwar America.

by Spencer Lee Lenfield