Right Now

Redefining Obesity

For obesity patients, improved treatments and a nuanced understanding of the disease may lead to better health.

by Chris Berdik

Super Drugs for Super Bugs

New methods for manufacturing antibiotics aim to replenish a dwindling drug pipeline.

by Erin O'Donnell

Letters from Prison

Business leaders explain how they went astray.

by Jonathan Shaw

Born to Rest

Evolution shaped humans to rest—and to run only when absolutely necessary.

by Jonathan Shaw

Printing in Free Space

A new kind of 3-D printer forms wires in midair.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Aiding the “Doubly Disadvantaged”

Sociologist Anthony Jack studies two types of low-income students.

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Food Stamp Entrepreneurs

Welfare promotes entrepreneurship, finds HBS researcher Gareth Olds.

by Lydialyle Gibson

What Makes Teams Tick

A new study finds that the most successful research teams are grounded in a group identity.

by Zara Zhang

Why Sex Succeeds

Sex preserves beneficial mutations, and allows harmful ones to be purged.

by Erin O'Donnell

A Cancer Begins

Seeing when cancer begins helps Leonard Zon track down factors triggering the disease.

by Jonathan Shaw

Are All Calories Equal?

Avoid refined sugars and processed carbohydrates, says endocrinologist David Ludwig.

by Laura Levis