New England Regional

Global Kitchen

A French-Tunisian chef’s personal touch in Cambridgeport

by Nell Porter Brown

High Italian

In general, Italian food has been so thoroughly assimilated into the American diet that it no longer counts as “ethnic” fare. Pizza...

Moving On

Jonathan Gorham ’71 recently helped his mother move from a retirement community in Maine to an assisted-living apartment closer to where...

by Nell Porter Brown

Live a Little

The West Side Lounge is a fun little restaurant. On a Thursday night, the waitress greeted with a genuine smile—as if she’s glad we...

by Nell Porter Brown


Take a stroll around Harvard Square this summer and you’ll find a multitude of activities for all ages, ranging from the Summer Pops...


A full slate of activities can be found throughout the University this season, ranging from performances of children's theater and French...

Passions at Play

"A home is not a mere transient shelter," H.L. Mencken wrote in Prejudices: Fifth Series, "its essence lies in its permanence, in its...

by Nell Porter Brown

Earthy Elegance

Caffé Umbra, a simply decorated restaurant serving rustic French (and some Italian) fare, is the product of chef/owner Laura Brennan's...

by Nell Porter Brown


A full slate of events can be found throughout the University this season, ranging from South African plays, Japanese calligraphy, and Viennese...

Casbah Nights

It is strangely joyful to walk down the narrow, Colonial-era streets of Charlestown, lit by vintage-style gas lamps, and through the doors of...

by Nell Porter Brown

Back to School

Christoph H. Schmidt '55 and his wife, Babette, initially retired to their summer home in Cushing, Maine, but after several years, they moved...

by Nell Porter Brown