
A Democratic Landscape

Michael Van Valkenburgh and the making of Brooklyn Bridge Park

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections

Truer than Reality

Kevin Kallaugher on the art of editorial cartooning

by Dan Kelly

“Fallen to the Depths”

Nicholas Dawidoff’s wrenching account of urban inequity

Freedom from Food

A lifelong struggle with body image led Juna Gjata to podcasting.

by Jacob Sweet

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections

Is the Supreme Court’s Role Undemocratic?

Justice Felix Frankfurter, to great controversy, said yes.

by Lincoln Caplan

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections

An Astronomer's Desert Photography

Photographer Stephen Strom explores otherworldly landscapes

by Nancy Walecki

Beasts of the Big Screen

Jurassic World Dominion screenwriter Emily Carmichael on scripting Hollywood sci-fi epics

by Nicolas Rapold

Disagreeing Well

Harvard debater Bo Seo writes about productive differences of opinion.