
Three Cheers

Welcoming the magazine’s new publisher and two editorial colleagues

Cambridge 02138

Readers respond to articles on migration, capital punishment, House “masters,” and more.

Curricular Conundrums

Room for improvement in Wintersession

A Modest Proposal

Why Harvard and MIT might join forces on climate-change research

Cambridge 02138

Readers respond to articles on football, sexual assault, the Social Progress Index, divestment, and more.

Wise Restraints

A letter from President Faust about Harvard Law School

by Drew Gilpin Faust

Vigorous Immortality

A letter from President Faust

by Drew Gilpin Faust

Cambridge 02138

Readers respond to articles on impact investing, “Cowboy” doctors, Gen Ed, and more.

A Borrower Be

A letter from the editor

Cambridge 02138

On Mary Sears, Gen Ed, football concussions, and more