
Three Cheers

Welcoming the magazine’s new publisher and two editorial colleagues

Cambridge 02138

Readers comment on linguistics and sign language, academic class gaps, “Fair Harvard,” final clubs, and more.

The March for Science

President Drew Faust on scientific research and federal funding

by Drew Gilpin Faust

Trump to Research: Drop Dead

The administration’s potentially costly misunderstanding about science

by John S. Rosenberg

Cambridge 02138

Readers comment on Houghton Library, coddled campuses, labor law, and more.

The Work of the Whole Life

President Faust on the value of Harvard’s non-degree programs

by Drew Gilpin Faust

Minding the Gap

A state’s pension-plan problems highlight the endowment challenge to realizing Harvard’s goals. 

86 Across

A longtime contributor hangs up his pencil.

Cambridge 02138

Readers comment on privacy, gender agendas, the Horsehead Nebula, and more.

Arts First

President Faust on Crimson creativity and “constructive imagination”

by Drew Gilpin Faust

Speaking Strategically

A comment on how institutions present, and understand, themselves

by John S. Rosenberg