HAA Award Winners

Top row from left: Teresita Alvarez-Bjelland, F. Gorham Brigham, and Deborah Gelin. Bottom row from left: Joseph K. Hurd Jr., John Paul Kennedy, and Michael G. Yamin

Established in 1990, the Harvard Alumni Association Awards recognize outstanding service to the University. This year’s awards are to be presented on September 27 during the HAA board of directors’ fall meeting.

Teresita Alvarez-Bjelland ’76, M.B.A. ’79, of Oslo, has held numerous positions in the HAA, including president, vice president of University-wide affairs, treasurer, and elected director. She is a class marshal, and has received both the Hiram S. Hunn and the Radcliffe Distinguished Service Awards.

F. Gorham Brigham ’37, M.B.A. ’39, of West Newton, Massachusetts, has served as Harvard Business School (HBS) class secretary for more than 73 years and is acting secretary for his College class, which he served as treasurer for six decades. He is a former president of the HBS Club of Boston and earlier this year won the inaugural HBS Volunteer Service Award.

Deborah Gelin ’79, M.B.A. ’83, of Washington, D.C., was president of the Harvard Club of Washington, D.C., and served as HAA regional director of the Middle Atlantic states. She is also a past recipient of the Hiram S. Hunn Award.

Joseph K. Hurd Jr. ’60, M.D. ’64, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, is a class marshal and a former HAA elected director. He has also been president of the Harvard Medical School alumni association and an appointed director of the alumni council.

John Paul Kennedy ’63, of Salt Lake City, has interviewed candidates since 1966 and has been chair of the Utah schools and scholarships committee. He now serves as an HAA director for the cluster of religious identity shared interest groups (SIGs).

Michael G. Yamin ’53, LL.B. ’58, of New York City, is a 50-year member of the Harvard Club of New York City, having served twice on its board of managers, most recently as vice president. He has been an alumni interviewer since 1958.

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