Staying in Touch

As of August 1, users of Post.Harvard—the University’s on-line alumni community—may note some changes that make the system easier to use. The new features reflect upgrades to the on-line infrastructure and the consolidation of formerly separate alumni databases by the Office of Alumni Affairs and Development.

Enhancements include simpler registration and password requirements, increased control over the biographical and contact information that appears in the on-line alumni directory, expanded opportunities to search and sort that information, and new forms for submitting class notes and photographs.

Alumni may now contact each other through a “blind e-mail function” that preserves privacy. Class news may be submitted directly to class websites. And University-hosted websites and information for classes and clubs have been streamlined to improve communication and help alumni leaders better track class events and club functions.

The new system also gives alumni more control over some of the information they receive. “In the old system, you could opt out of fundraising—or all—e-mails,” from the University, explains Andy Tiedemann, communications director for the alumni affairs and development office. “Alumni now have more choices over what they are sent.” That includes newsletters, travel offers, class and club event notices, and opinion research polls. The new common alumni database also facilitates communication and fundraising efforts, and allows the University to separate specific alumni interests and other data, which can result in more targeted communiqués.  

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