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The Quiz: Hazards to Your Health

1. Which statement do you believe is more likely to be true?
A. Eating the pesticides on fruits and vegetables increases the risk of cancer.

B. Eating too few fruits and vegetables increases the risk of cancer.

2. Which statement do you believe is more likely to be true?
A. Breathing radon gas at home increases the risk of lung cancer.

B. Breathing the smog in city air increases the risk of lung cancer.

3. Which kills more people in the United States each year:

A. bullets from handguns; or

B. traffic crashes?

4. The average American's chance of dying from heart disease in his or her lifetime is about 2 in 5. Do you believe this estimate is:

A. too large?

B. too small?

C. about correct?

5. The average black male American's chance of being murdered in his lifetime is about 1 in 7. Do you believe this estimated risk is:

A. too large?

B. too small?

C. about correct?

Answers and survey results for the quiz

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