
The Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy

Scientists affiliated with the Event Horizon Telescope publish the first image of Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Rise of Color

As consumer products grew more colorful, so did the ads. View an image gallery.

Commencement Photo Gallery

Images from Commencement week

New Ancient Sculpture

Sculptor James Dinerstein’s works in concrete and bronze fuse ancient forms with modern abstraction.

by Paul Gleason

Skyscraper as Symbol

In Tall Building: Imagining the Skyscraper, Scott Johnson explores the semiotics of these urban giants.

by Jonathan Shaw

Mineralogical Marvels

Rocky treasures from the Harvard Museum of Natural History

Conceptualizing Small

In words and images, George M. Whitesides and Felice. C. Frankel explicate tools, concepts, and applications in nanoscience.

Students in Africa

Students and service at a new frontier: read 10 student profiles, view photos, and more.

Ancestral Influences

View images of Phillip Charette's masks alongside masks from the Smithsonian Institution holdings that inspired him.

Animals Speak Color

Kit Reed introduces an exhibition at the Harvard Museum of Natural History that reveals the different roles color plays in the animal and plant kingdoms.

by Christopher Reed

Shedding Light on Life

The scenes are familiar from biology textbooks. A long string of DNA is copied to form a matching strand. A virus infects a cell by stealing through its membrane.

by Courtney Humphries