Books & Literary Life

Developing Dads

Exploring the evolutionary biology of human fathers as caretakers

by Richard G. Bribiescas

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections

How Revolutions Happen

Robert Darnton on the origins of the French Revolutionary temperament

Anna Jacobson Schwartz

Brief life of a pioneering economist: 1915-2012

by Jennifer Burns

Black Students Speak

Jarvis Givens on two centuries of African American education 

by Lydialyle Gibson

Off the Shelf

Recent books on camping outdoors, economic opportunity, the women of NOW, and more

Life’s Blueprints

The development of developmental biology

by Jonathan Shaw

“Shotgun” Diagnosis

The virtues of inaction in delivering medical care

The New Little Magazines

Keeping literature and long-form journalism alive

by Nancy Walecki

“The Wonder Out There”

Rambling around the Quabbin Reservoir

by Nell Porter Brown

Speaking Volumes

Glimpsing Harvard’s East Asian language materials collection

by Nell Porter Brown