Alumni News

Slow and Steady

A Harvard Law School graduate completes marathons in all 50 states.  

by Jacob Sweet

HAA Clubs and SIGs Awards

Harvard celebrates its volunteer alumni leaders.

A Women's Weekend

Harvard’s first University-wide Women’s Weekend

The Elephant in the Room: Sports and Sexism

After the Harvard soccer scandal, a campus panel discussion on women and sports proves unexpectedly timely.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Harvard Reforms Overseer Elections

Moves to online voting—but raises threshold to petition for a place on the ballot.

by John S. Rosenberg

Staying Fit Through the HAA

President Martin J. Grasso boosts alumni volunteerism.

by Nell Porter Brown

Seniors Help Houses Thrive

The Aloian Memorial Scholars contribute to House life.

Outstanding Service

Harvard Alumni Association awards honor volunteer service to the University.

Harvard Medalists

For “extraordinary service to the University”

Election Results

Candidates nominated by the Harvard Alumni Association drew the most votes.