Hiram Hunn Awards 2014

Top row from left: James V. Baker, William B. Fisch, Vivian Lee, and Randall A. Mackey. Bottom row from left: Julie Gage Palmer, E. Douglas Richards, and Betsy K. Wanger.

Seven alumni are to receive the Hiram S. Hunn Memorial Schools and Scholarships Awards, presented by the Harvard College Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, on September 19. The awards’ class of 1921 namesake recruited and interviewed prospective students for more than 55 years.


James V. Baker, ’68, M.B.A. ’71, of Surrey, United Kingdom, has interviewed candidates since 1972, primarily in the United Kingdom. He is also a former HAA president, president of the Harvard Club of the United Kingdom, HAA regional director for Europe, and 2013 recipient of the Harvard Medal.

William B. Fisch ’57, of Columbia, Missouri, is professor emeritus of law at the University of Missouri and has been an alumni interviewer since 1985. Fisch has also chaired the mid-Missouri subcommittee of the St. Louis Harvard Club’s schools committee since 2006.

Vivian Lee ’81, of Los Altos, California, served as chair of the New York City schools and scholarships committee from 1989 to 2000, and as co-president of the Harvard Club of Silicon Valley from 2008 to 2009.

Randall A. Mackey, M.B.A. ’70, of Salt Lake City, is a former president of the Harvard Alumni Association of Utah, and has been a director there since 1987. Since 1995, he has served as chair of the Utah schools and scholarship committee.

Julie Gage Palmer ’84, of Deerfield, Illinois, has been an alumni interviewer since 1985. In 2006 she joined the Harvard Club of Chicago’s board of directors, where she coordinates a program that pairs alumni with local schools that now include more than 130 members. Palmer is also co-chair of the Chicago area schools and scholarships committee.

E. Douglas Richards ’80, of Lexington, Kentucky, was both interviewer for and chair of the local Harvard club’s schools and scholarships committee for many years, and oversaw an expanding pool of applicants from the region.

Betsy K. Wanger ’85, of Washington, D.C., has interviewed candidates in Washington, D.C., since the late 1980s, served as area co-chair for the local club’s schools and scholarships committee, and coordinates the Harvard Prize Book awards for high schools in the greater D.C. area.

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